The map of actual water erosion risk in Poland
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Peer reviewed:

  1. Kozyra J., 2004. The method of the construction of of digital maps of snopw cover in Poland. Atlasy i Monografie IMGW, p: 9. in Polish
  2. Nowocień E., Podolski B., Wawer R., 2004. Estimating Outflow and Sediment Uptake Chosen Polish Soil Kinds in Simulated Condition. Electornic Journal of Polish Agricultural Univeristies. Environmental Development Series. Vol. 7, Issue 2 (www).
  3. Nowocień E., Wawer R., Podolski B., 2004. Methodological concepton of research on soils' susceptibility to water and wind erosion in model conditions. Naukowyj Wisnik Czerniowieckiego Uniwersytetu, nr. 295, Bilogia, s: 57-61.
  4. Wawer R., Nowocień E., Podolski B., 2005. REAL AND CALCULATED KUSLE ERODIBILITY FACTOR FOR SELECTED POLISH SOILS. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 14, No 5: 655-658.
  5. Wawer R., Nowocień E., Kozyra J., Budzyńska K., 2006. The Digital Map of Potential Water Erosion Risk for Plland. Spatial Resolution 500m. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 215-223. in Polish
  6. Wawer R., Nowocień E., 2006. The Digital Map od Actual Erosion Risk in Poland BAsed Upon CORINE Land Cover 2000. Spatial Resolution 500m. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 207-213. in Polish
  7. Wawer R., Nowocień E., Budzyńska K., Podolski B., 2006. The Digital Map of Soils' Susceptibility to Water Erosion. Reference Scale 1:500.000. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 223-227. in Polish
  8. Wawer R., Nowocień E., 2007. The Map of Actual Water Erosion in Poland Based upon COrineLAnd Cover 2000. Pamiętnik Puławski, forthcoming. in Polish
  9. Wawer R., Nowocień E., 2007. DIGITAL MAP OF ACTUAL WATER EROSION RISK IN POLAND. A QUALITATIVE, VECTOR BASED APPROACH. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. forthcoming
  10. Wawer R., Nowocień E., 2007. Actyal Erosion Risk in Poland. In: Estimation of the Suitability of indicators for the Assessment of Sustainable Management of Resources of Agricultural Environment in CHosen Farms, Communities and Regions. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB, No 5: 157-168. in Polish



  1. Wawer R., Kozyra J., Budzyńska K., 2006. The Digital Map of Potential Water Erosion Risk in Poland. A Qualitqtive, Middle Scale Approach. International COnference Soil Protection Strategy - Needs and Approaches for Policy Support, Book of Abstracts: 154-155, Pulawy 9-11 March 2006.
  2. Wawer R., Nowocień E., Kozyra J., Budzyńska K., 2006. The Digital Map of Potential Water Erosion Risk for Plland. Spatial Resolution 500m. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 215-223. in Polish
  3. Wawer R., Nowocień E., 2006. The Digital Map od Actual Erosion Risk in Poland BAsed Upon CORINE Land Cover 2000. Spatial Resolution 500m. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 207-213. in Polish
  4. Wawer R., Nowocień E., Budzyńska K., Podolski B., 2006. The Digital Map of Soils' Susceptibility to Water Erosion. Reference Scale 1:500.000. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 223-227. in Polish

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