The research on erosion,
conducted in IUNG includes the entirety of issues, influencing the quality
of the agricultural environment, including valuation of risk related
to erosion, erosion mitigation techniques, rural development schemes
Research issues:
- qualitative and quantitative characteristics
of erosion processes influencing agri-ecosystems;
- criteria and ways of inventarisation
and cartography of erosion for explanatory and utilitarian purposes;
- methods of anti-erosion meliorations
on agricultural grounds, reclamation of erosional wastelands, especially
gullies and suffosion pots;
- rules and patterns of complex
management of agricultural areas, threatend by erosion;
- natural-utilitarian classification
of erosion processes for polish geographical conditions, unification
of definitions related to erosion and erosion control.
- spatial modelling and simulating
of watershed processes related to erosion for the assessment of spatial
management and environment protection.
methods: various, related to interdisciplinary character,
wide range of research problems and issues. Research work is conducted
in field and laboratory experiments, as well as behind desk (cameral)
with use of modern spatial software and models.
Among field
- registering of erosion processes,
mainly after storms, long rain and snow melting periods , on protected
areas and experimental erosion control objects;
- continous measurements od sediment
and surface water dynamics in fixed measure points on permanent and
temporal stream lines of eroded microcatchments;
- nivelative and soil cross-sections
for estimation of changes affecting soil morfology and properties;
- morfometric measurements of terrain
relief, deformed by erosion;
- measurements of crop yields in
various slope zones;
- establishing ofexperimental adn
utilitarian objects with erosion control meassures.
- analyses and syntheses of field
- mapping of potential and actual
erosion on maps of various scales and under various economic and natural
conditions (schemes);
- simulations of erosion processes,
valuation of their effects, verification of chosen mathematical models
of soil loss in polish conditions using GIS technology;
- conceptions, programmes, technical
projects in field of anti-erosion meliorations.........
methods include mainly:
- physical and chemical properties
of soil and sediments;
- stationary model experiments,
including devices for water and rain simulations.
The main research goals for
nearest future:
- estimation of rational dependences
and indicators between erosion intensity, susceptibility of main polish
soil kinds to erosion and soil-protective properties of basic crops
- as a part of model verification;
- improvement of data collecting
and processing, data bases of rural productive area;
- improvement of the rules and schemes
of complex management of eroded lands, with special consideration of
anti-erosion meliorations, land improvements on the basis of pilot studies;
- to create a field research and
monitoring station in Bystra river catchment;
- integration of avaiable data collection
(teledetection,field data etc.) and processing (spatial analyses, modeling)
for erosion and erosion control assessment on various spatial scales.