a) articles in
journals with peer review
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2000. Location of Rural Roads on Eroded Terrains,
Folia Univesitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis. Z 217 Agric. 87, p: 77-80,
in Polish.
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2000. Development of the Road Gully and Conception
of its Treatment, Folia Univesitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis. Z 217
Agric. 87, p: 69-72, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk A.,
Józefaciuk Cz., Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2000. The Structure of Gully
Erosion in Zachodnio-Pomorskie District, Folia Univesitatis Agriculturae
Stetinensis. Z 217 Agric. 87, p: 73-76, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk A.,
Józefaciuk Cz., Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2000. The Structure of Water
Erosion Threat to Rural And Foresial Grounds in Zachodnio-Pomorskie
Disrict. Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis. Z 217 Agric.
87, p: 65-69, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Nowocień E., Wawer R., Woch F. 2001. Management of Grodarz Stream Watershed
in Aspect of Erosion and Flood Risk Mitigation. Zeszyty Naukowe AR w
Krakowie, Z21, p: 237-245, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2001. The Changes in Forms and Ways of Ruling
Strongly Dissected Landscapes. Zeszyty Naukowe AR w Krakowie, Z21, p:
389-397, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk A.,
Józefaciuk Cz., Nowocień E., Podolski B., Wawer R., 2002. The Spatial
and Quantitative Structure of Surface Water Erosion Threat in Grodarz
Stream Watershed on Naleczow Plateu. Fragmenta Agronomica nr 1/2002,
p: 95-112, in Polish.
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Nowocień E., Podolski B., Wawer R., 2002. The Structure of Gully Net
in Grodarz Stream Watershed. Fragmenta Agronomica nr 1/2002, p: 112-118,
in Polish.
- Nowocień E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., 2001. Initial Results on Various Sols' Susceptibility
to Wind Erosion in Simulated Conditions. XII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum
Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego - Funkcjonowanie
i monitoring geoekosystemów z uwzględnieniem zanieczyszczenia powietrza
w dostosowaniu do regulacji unii europejskiej. Zintegrowany Monitoring
Środowiska Przyrodniczego. Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska: p: 280-284,
in Polish.
- Nowocien E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., 2002. Characeristics of Agriculture Development in Polish
Carpatia Mountains. Visnyk of Lviv State Agrarian University: Organization
of Land Exploitation and Land Cadastre. - 2002. - No 5, p: 87-91, in
- Nowocien E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., 2002. Gully Erosion in Polish Carpatia Mounains. Visnyk
of Lviv State Agrarian University: Organization of Land Exploitation
and Land Cadastre. - 2002. - No 5, p: 107-113, in Polish.
- Nowocień E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., 2002. The division of polish soil kinds as regards their
susceptibility to water erosion in conditions of simulated rain. Pam.
Puł., No 133, p: 135-146, in Polish.
- Nowocień E., Podolski
B., Wawer R, 2003. Changes in the land use within the Grodarz stream
drainage basin with utilization of aerial ortophotomaps and GIS methods
in monitoring. Regionalny Monitoring Środowiska Przyrodniczego, 2003,
No 4, p: 25-36, in Polish.
- Nowocień
E., Podolski B., Wawer R., 2004. Estimating Outflow and Sediment Uptake
Chosen Polish Soil Kinds in Simulated Condition. Electornic Journal
of Polish Agricultural Univeristies. Environmental Development Series.
Vol. 7, Issue 2.
- Nowocień E., Wawer
R., Podolski B., 2005: Methodical Conception of Research on Soils Susceptibility
To Water and Wind Erosion in Model Condition. Conference "Modern
problems and tendecies of development of soil science" Czerniowce,
Ukraina, 27 - 28 Maj 2005. Naukowyj Wisnik Czerniowieckiego Uniwersytetu,
Nr 259, Biologia, 57-61.
- Nowocień E., Wawer
R., 2002. The Applicaton of EROSION 3D Model in Prognosing Water Erosion
Rates on he Example of Grodarz Waershed. Fragmenta Agronomica nr 1/2002,
p: 153-170, in Polish.
- Nowocień E., Wawer
R. 2002. The Comparison of Qualitative Analytical Methods and Physical
Modeling in Water Erosion Investigations. Zeszyty problemowe Nauk Rolniczych,
No 487, p: 69-76, in Polish.
- Nowocień
E., Wawer R., Podolski B., 2004. Estimating the Soil Susceptibility
to Wind Erosion in Conditions of Simulated Wind. Journal of Water and
Land Develoment, No 81: 136-146.
- Nowocień
E., Wawer R., Podolski B., 2006.The evaluation of anti-erosional meliorations
on chosen research objects. . Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural
Universities, Environmental Development Series, forthcoming
- Nowocień E., Wawer
R., 2007. Spatial analysis of rural road network: the case of Mielnica
water course basin. Annals of Geomatics. T. 5, Z. 2:65-72, in Polish
- Szewrański Sz.,
Krukowski M., Wawer R., Żmuda R., 2005. Estimation of anthropogenic
preassure to a small stream localized in agricultural catchment and
conception of its revalorizatio. Roczniki Gleboznawcze, t LVII: 192-199.
in Polish
- Szewrański Sz.,
Sasik J., Żmuda R., Wawer R., 2004. The estimation of the Intensity
od Water Erosion and unit denudation Using Nefelometric measurements
of Water Turbidi. Pamietnik Pulawski, in Polish, forthcoming.
- Szewrański Sz.,
Wawer R., Pulikowski K., 2005 Application of GIS for designating areas
disposed to nitrates form agricultural sources. Gospodarka Wodna, in
Polish, forthcoming
- Wawer
R., 2004. An Indicator for Estimating Arrangement of Rural Roads in
Terrains Relief and Its Digital Implementation in GIS on the Example
of Grodarz Stream Watershed, Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural
Univeristies. Civil Engineering Series. Vol. 7, Issue 2.
- Wawer R., 2004.
Digital Watershed Model as a basis for Projecting Anti-erosional meliorations
in Rural Watersheds. Acta Agrophysica, No. 115:201-210, in Polish.
- Wawer R., 2007.
METAGE WebGIS. UMN MapServer in the Visualisaton of Scientific Results.
Annals of Geomatics, Tom V, Z. 1: 113-118. in Polish
- Wawer R., 2007.
Modelling shallow landslides with GIS., Problems in Agricultural Sciecnes,
forthcoming, in Polish.
- Wawer R., 2007,
Actual Soil Erosion Risk in Polish Regions, Problems in Agricultural
Sciences, forthcoming, in Polish
- Wawer R., Jadczyszyn
J., Nowocien E., Application of Erosion 3D model on a field scale, Ecological
Engineering, fothcoming, in Polish
- Wawer R., Podolski
B., Nowocień E., 2004. The analysis of land use changes in Grodarz stream
watershed using aerial orthophotos and GIS. Pam.Puł., nr 137: 163-175,
in Polish.
- Wawer
R., Nowocień E., 2003. Application of Sinmap terrain stability model
in Grodarz stream watershed. Electornic Journal of Polish Agricultural
Univeristies. Environmental Development Series. Vol. 6, Issue 1.
- Wawer R., Nowocień
E., 2006. The digital map of the occurrence of superficial water erosion
for Poland based on CORINE CLC 2000. Spatial resolution of 500m. Annuals
of Agricultural University in Poznan, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 207-213
- Wawer R., Nowocien
E., 2006. The Map of Actual Surface Water Erosion Thread for Poland
based upon CORINE CLC2000. Pamietnik Pulawski, in Polish, forthcoming
- Wawer
QUALITATIVE, VECTOR BASED APPROACH.. Polish Journal of Environmental
Studies. forthcoming
- Wawer R., Nowocień
SUPERFICIAL WATER EROSION. Problems in Agricultural Sciences, forthcoming,
in Polish
- Wawer R., Nowocien
E., Budzynska K., Kozyra J., 2006. The digital map of surface water
erosion thread for Poland. Spatial resolution of 500m. Annuals of Agricultural
University in Poznan, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 215-223, in Polish
- Wawer R., Nowocien
E., Budzynska K., Podolski B., 2006. The digital map of soils' susceptibility
to surface water erosion for Poland. Spatial resolution of 500m. Annuals
of Agricultural University in Poznan, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 223-227,
in Polish
- Wawer
FACTOR FOR SELECTED POLISH SOILS. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,
Vol. 14, No 5, 655-658.
- Wawer
R., Nowocien E., Szewranski Sz. Zmuda R., 2006. The Improvement of the
Spatial Structure and Quality of Rural Communication System in Loess
Upland Watershed. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities,
Environmental Development Series, forthcoming
- Wawer
R., Nowocien E., Szewranski Sz. Zmuda R., 2006. A decision support system
for precise erosion control planning. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural
Universities, Environmental Development Series, forthcoming
- Żmuda R., Szewrański
Sz., Sasik J., Wawer R., 2006. Soil Water Erosion on the Example of
the Geoecosystem of the Mielnica Watershed. Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej
w Poznaniu, CCCLXXV, Rolnictwo 65: 281-286, in Polish
b) chosen proceedings
of symposia, workshops, colloquia ...
- Jadczyszyn
J., Stuczynski T, Szabelak P, Wawer R., Zielinski M., 2003. History
and current status of research and policies regarding soil erosion in
Poland. OECD Expert Meeting on Soil Erosion and Soil Biodiversity Indicators,
Rome 23-28.03.2003, p: 10.
- Nowocień E., Wawer
R., 2005. Evaluation of anti-erosion meliorations on the object Kogutki
in context of various land management schemes. Konferencja naukowa "Reorganizing
field and landscape structures in a context of building strategies for
water and soil protection", Lublin, September 2005.
- Nowoeicen
E., Wawer R., Stuczyński T., 2006. GIS in supporting decisions on erosion
control management of rural roads' network. International Conference
"Soil protection strategy - needs and approaches for policy support",
Pulawy, March 2006, ISBN: 83-89576-03-1
- Wawer R., 2003.
Spatial modeling in analyses and protection of rural environment - applications
and perspectives. Seminary, Pulawy;
- Wawer
R., 2003. Modeling Environmental Quality in Rural Areas: an erosion
modeling example. International Workshop " Soil Physical Quality".
- Wawer
R., Podolski B., Nowocien E., 2004. Analysis of land use changes in
Grodarz stream watershed in context of potential water erosion. Application
of gis and teledetection.Workshop on
'Identification of the current status and needs of GIS and databases
technology in the agricultural sector sector - GIS for analysis and
monitoring of land use and land/water quality', 4 - 6 March 2004, Pulawy/
- Wawer
R., 2004. Integrating various spatial data and analytic techniques in
precise erosion control planning.Workshop on
'Identification of the current status and needs of GIS and databases
technology in the agricultural sector sector - GIS for analysis and
monitoring of land use and land/water quality', 4 - 6 March 2004, Pulawy/
- Wawer
R., 2006. A decision support system for precise erosion control planning.
International Conference "Soil protection strategy - needs and
approaches for policy support", Pulawy, March 2006, ISBN: 83-89576-03-1
- Wawer R., 2006.
WebGIS in management in crisis situations. An UMN MapServer example.
Conference on "Management in Crisis Situations". Warsaw, May
- Wawer
R., Kozyra J., Budzynska K., 2006. The digital map of ptential water
erozion risk in Poland. A qualitative, middle scale approach. International
Conference "Soil protection strategy - needs and approaches for
policy support", Pulawy, March 2006, ISBN: 83-89576-03-1
c) monographies
- Józefaciuk Cz.,
Józefaciuk A., Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2002. The Ani-erosion Management
of Grodarz Stream Watershed with Consideration of Flood Risk Mitigation.
MONOGRAFIE I ROZPRAWY NAUKOWE, Wyd. IUNG, Z. 4, pp: 69, in Polish.
- Wawer
R., 2003, Modeling of environmental quality in rural areas: an erosion
modeling example. Edited by A.R. Dexter and E.A. Czyż. "Soil Physical
Quality", Puławy, p: 123-125.
- Wawer R.,
Nowocień E., 2007. Actual Erosion Risk in Poland. In: Estimation of
the Suitability of indicators for the Assessment of Sustainable Management
of Resources of Agricultural Environment in CHosen Farms, COmmunities
and Regions. Studia i Raporty IUNH-PIB, No 5: 157-168. in Polish
d) popular scientific
- Cz. Józefaciuk,
E. Nowocień, B. Podolski, R. Wawer. 2001. Anti-Erosion Meliorations
in Integrated Management of Dissected Lands. Biuletyn Informacyjny IUNG,
nr 16, s. 11-16
- E. Nowocień, R.
Wawer, 2001. The Shaping of Rural Road Structure and Methods of Their
Hardening in Various Terrain Conditions. Materiały szkoleniowe: Gospodarowanie
gruntami na obszarach wiejskich". Wyd. IUNG: 51-70.
- R. Wawer, 2002.
Erosional Information Service: www.erozja.iung.pulawy.pl
- R. Wawer. 2002.
Editor. Erosional Vademecum. http://www.erozja.iung.pulawy.pl/Vademecum/V1Pl.htm
- R. Wawer, 2002.
The homesite of the Grodarz Erosion Control Programme. www.erozja.iung.pulawy.pl/gap/index.htm
- R. Wawer. 2003.
Department of Soil Science's home site: gleba.iung.pulawy.pl
e) Technical Reports
- Jadczyszyn J.,
Kopiński J., Kuczyński M, Siebielec S., Nowocień E., Gawrysiak L., Zawadzka
B., Korzeniowska-Pucułek R., Wawer R., Budzyńska K, 2002, Świętokrzyski
Program Ochrony Gruntów i Wdrożenie Systemu Informacji o Rolniczej Przestrzeni
Produkcyjnej, The Land Protection Programme and Application od Rural
Information Sysem in Swietokrzyski District, Technical raport.
- Józefaciuk A.,
Józefaciuk Cz., Jadczyszyn J., Nowocień E., Wawer R., 2000: Raport z
realizacji tematu badawczego IUNG nr 2.4 (1997-2000): Doskonalenia kryteriów
i metod oceny zagrożenia erozją gleb w Polsce., Improvement of Criteria
and Methods of Soil Erosion Threat Estimation in Poland, IUNG Puławy,
s: 35.
- Józefaciuk A.,
Józefaciuk Cz., Jadczyszyn J., Nowocień E., Wawer R., Woch F., Tałałaj
Z., 2000: Raport z realizacji tematu badawczego IUNG nr 4.6 (1991-2000):
Opracowanie zasad kompleksowego urządzania terenów urzeˇbionych., Rules
of Integrated Development of Dissected Terrains., IUNG Puławy, s: 76.
- Nowocień, E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., Jadczyszyn J., 2002. Określenie wskaˇników podatności
różnych gatunków gleb na erozję wodną i wietrzną. The Estimation of
Factors of Various Soils' susceptibility to Wind and water Erosion.
Raport końcowy z tematu badawczego nr 2.21, s: 106.
- Nowocień E., Podolski
B., Wawer R., Jadczyszyn J., 2002. Określenie wskaˇników podatności
różnych gatunków gleb na erozję wodną i wietrzną. The Estimation of
Factors Describing Soil's Susceptibility to Wind and Water Erosion.
Raport końcowy z tematu badawczego nr 2.21, s: 106.
- Paluch J., Kostrzewa
S., Nowak L., Sasik J., Żyromski A., Iwaniak A., Paruch A., Pulikowski
K., Szewrański Sz., Wardecka L., Wawer R., Żmuda R., 2003. Programmes
of Measures for Limiting Nitrogen Otflow form Agricultural Sources from
Particurarly Exposed Areas to Sensitive Waters: Orla catchment. Regional
Board of Water Management in Wroclaw.
- Paluch J., Kostrzewa
S., Nowak L., Sasik J., Żyromski A., Iwaniak A., Paruch A., Pulikowski
K., Szewrański Sz., Wardecka L., Wawer R., Żmuda R., 2003. Programmes
of Measures for Limiting Nitrogen Otflow form Agricultural Sources from
Particurarly Exposed Areas to Sensitive Waters: The catchment of Rów
Polski. Regional Board of Water Management in Wroclaw.
- Paluch J., Kostrzewa
S., Nowak L., Sasik J., Żyromski A., Iwaniak A., Paruch A., Pulikowski
K., Szewrański Sz., Wardecka L., Wawer R., Żmuda R., 2003. Programmes
of Measures for Limiting Nitrogen Otflow form Agricultural Sources from
Particurarly Exposed Areas to Sensitive Waters: The catchment of Lubliniecko-Myszkowski
reservoir. Regional Board of Water Management in Wroclaw.
f) thesises
- Wawer R., 2003.
The Application of Digital Modelling on Grodarz Watershed for Anti-Erosion
Management Purposes. Rozprawa doktorska. Maszynopis, IUNG, s. 91