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In 1951, in result of PIGW (State Institute of Agriculture) reorganisation the IUNG (Instittute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation) was established, that included the Department of Agriculture Basics on Rach Relief Terrains,directed initially (to 1958) byAnna Reniger, then by Jadwiga Bury-Zalewska. Till 1965 the Deparment consisted of two laboratories: Water Erosion Lab. and Lab. of Protective Land Use.

Most imporant research goals in years 1958-1968 included:
- erosion processess (qualitative and quantitative) and factors affecting their occurence and intensity;
- influence of land use types on eroson intensity, emphesising ecpecially trees and bushes;
- konceptions and putting into practise a biological gully treatment for number of loess gullies.


In 1972 the Department of Protection and Reclamation of Rural Grounds was established, directed by professor Jan Siuta, in which the main research problem was "The spatial analysis of erosion phenomenons and technique and organisation of soil protection against erosion". The raslisation of erosion research was enrusted to Anna i Czeslaw Jozefaciuk, who were transferred form IMUZ (Institute of Meliorations and Grasslands) in Lublin by the decision of the Minister of Agriculture to IUNG in Pulawy.

In January 1977 the Dapartment of Reclamation was joined to the Department of Soil Science and Land Conservation, directed by professor Tadeusz Witek. Within the new Department structure the Lab. of Soil Erosion was established and entrused to doc. Czeslaw Jozefaciuk. The lab. was working till 1987. In years 1980-1985 the main research goal was "The scientific basics and improvement of management methods on eroded terrains", fallowed then in years 1985-1987 by two research directions: "The improvement of methods for diagnosing, prognosing and mapping of erosion" (A. Jozefaciuk), "The improvement of anti-erosion ground management systems" (Cz. Jozefaciuk).
In 1985 the Terrain Erosion Lab. within PGR (State Farm) Olszanka was established. In the PGR, one organised anti-erosion orchard (150 ha), according to the conception and project of Cz. Jozefaciuk.

In 1987 The Lab. of Soil Erosion was transformed onto the Deparment of Soil Erosion and Management of Reach Relief Terrains under long-term direction of professor Czeslaw Jozefaciuk, then from 1996 of professor Anna Jozefaciuk.

In year 2000 the Department of of Soil Erosion and Management of Reach Relief Terrains was joined with the Department of Soil Science and Land Protection establishing the Dapertment of Soil Science Erosion Control and Land Protection, dircted by dr Tomasz Stuczynski.

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