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The first and most time-consuming stage of the project was the georeferencing and digitalisation of "analogue" source data: topographic map in scale of 1:10000, soil-agricultural map in scale of 1:25000 and orthorectification of scanned aerial photographs in scale of 1:26000 (digital resolution of 2,5m). In addition the basic (5 classes) supervised classification from aerial orthophoto map has been made in ERDAS Imagine.

The second stage included the creation of DEM from digitised elevation lines (from topographic map) and points (from terrain measurements). After initial cleaning of digitalisation errors the TOPOGRID inerpolation method has been made in ARC/INFO programme. The initial criterion of DEM quality was smoothness of hillshaded DEM, the quantity of flat cells and differences between localisation of original (digitised) and generated contours. It turned out, that TOPOGRID inerpolation method gives good results, espetialy in the accuracy of hydrohraphy. The later terrain measurements, made with cartographic GPS revealed DEM errors similiar to those, assumed in TOPOGRID interpolation options window.

In the third stage we have conducted hydrological analyses: watershed and streams (WMS 6.1), classical qualitative analyses of surface water erosion (Jozefaciuk and Jozefaciuk, 1992): potential water erosion (soil-slope-annual precipitation), actual water erosion (potential water erosion-land use-agrotechnique) and gully erosion (gully' net density). We have also made analyses of antropogenic factor influencing the intensity and spatial diversity of surface water erosion: the arrangement of rural ways and plots in relief and the urgency of hardening the rural ground ways. All mentioned analyses have been made in ArcView GIS.

In fourth stage we have conducted physical modelling in EROSION 3D for the purpose of quantifying the qualitative analyses results on a "single event" basis. The basic virtues of this model are:

            • relative small amount of necessary input data
            • model is basing on the physical variables, which are easier to measure then empirical ones;
            • relatively rich theoretical and applicational literature;
            • model checked in german condition, which are relatively similiar to polish ones
            • very good connection to GIS through ASCII grid format

The main goal of fifth stage is to make full analysis of spatial diversity of surface flow in the watershed. This analysis will be made through spatial modelling in WMS (Watershed Modeling System). We hope to get an overview of the partipation of particular gullies in the total inflow to Grodarz main stream and to Kazimierz Dolny town as well as the maximum flow rates for observed and predicted precipitation events.

In the last, sixth project's stage, was the project of the erosion-control and flood mitigating measures for the purpose of protecting valuable landscape of Grodarz watershed and the monuments of the town Kazimierz Dolny.Because of the specifics of Grodarz watershed area, located interely whin the borders of Kazimierski Landscape Park, usual erosion control meliorations can not be used and proposed meassures have to be conservative and sustainable. The finall erosion control project is in large extent innovative in the scale of Poland.

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